There are two ways to create a wedding registry.
- Classic way - which is to set up the registry when you have the party members info and what they will be wearing ahead of time.
- On-the-Fly - which is when you build the registry by adding items to transactions and linking those transactions up to a bride.
Creating a registry the Classic way
First, navigate to the Event Details & Members section of the Bride by searching for her, opening her profile and clicking Event Details & Members.
Before you can build the registry, you have to first assign members to the event. If the member has not been in the store yet and therefore not in your system, click "Create Contact For Event". If they have been in, you can Search for a contact by the last name and assign them to the Event using the search box.
Once you have done that, you'll need to assign their role. The role of Bridesmaid, Maid of Honor, Matron of Honor and Junior Bridesmaid will need to be assigned in order for the party to be considered a "Bridesmaid Party"

Now that you've specified which members will be in the party, you are ready to create the registry.
- Click the Wedding Registry button
- Select the members you would like to register
- Click Register Items
- Search for the item you would like to register & select it. Optionally, you can change the color, accent color, size at the time of registering. Any information you would like to fill in later, just leave blank.
- Click Register Items & Close

Once the registry is created, you may perform further actions; such as Create a Transaction or Create a Purchase Order

Creating a wedding registry On-the-Fly
If you created the transaction BEFORE you creating the registry, BridalLive gives you the option of automatically building the registry using functions on the Special Order screen.
First, you will need to open the transaction for the wedding party member. Next, link the transaction to an event contact (ie, the bride or groom) by clicking Link to Wedding Registry in the right-hand corner OR type the name of the Event Contact in the "no event contact yet" field below the Party Member's name.

Once you have assigned the Event Contact to the transaction, you will need to add the items to the wedding registry by clicking ACTION button to the left of the item and selecting LINK TO WEDDING REGISTRY

At this time, BridalLive will ask you to confirm that you would like to add this person & item to the selected wedding party. You may also select a different role if you prefer.
Success! The item & party member are now linked to the Event Contact's Wedding Registry.
To confirm that your registry is linked correctly, you can navigate to the Event Contact's profile and view the Wedding Registry. You should see the transaction information which includes the Special Order Number and balance due.