- Do you want clients to be able to book this fitting room online?
- Do you want to book the appointments in Blocks or First Available (Booking Method)?
Fitting Room Blocks
Blocks should be used if you would like your online appointments to be scheduled ONLY at certain times. For example, in Bridal Fitting Room #1 you want appointments to begin at 10 am and occur every 1 and ½ hours.
Blocks may be set up with one or more appointment type. For instance, you may book only Bridal Appointments in Fitting Room #1, but Fitting Room #2 may handle both Bridesmaid and Tuxedo appointments. If you do decide to assign multiple appointment types to a Fitting Room, we recommend that you only do so for appointment types that have the same duration. Otherwise, you may be underutilizing your fitting room.
Blocks are the most efficient way to book fitting rooms.
First Available
First Available should be used if you would like to allow contacts to make appointments at any time. First Available will show appointments starting at your business opening time and repeating every ½ hour until closing.
For example, if Bridal Fitting Room #1 is first available for bridal appointments (set to a duration of 1 ½ hrs) & your business opens at 10 am it will show availability at 10:00 am, 10:30 am, 11:00 am, 11:30 am & so forth until closing.
Adding a fitting room
To add a fitting room, first, navigate to Settings Fitting Rooms. Then click the "Add Fitting Room" button. Next, enter the name of your fitting room, choose a booking method, specify whether you want this room available for online book and then click Save and Close.

Setup First Available
To setup, your fitting room with the First Available booking method, click the "Setup" button next to the fitting room on the fitting room list. Next, select the appointment types you would like to be booked in the room.

Setup Fitting Room Blocks
To setup blocks for your fitting room, follow the steps below:
- Choose the Day(s) of the Week you would like to add Appointment Times to.
- Choose the Appointment Type you will allow in this Fitting Room. You may also select "Choose Multiple" if you would like to have more than one type of appointment in this fitting room.
- Add the start/end time for the first Block you would like to set for your appointment. For example, if you'd like your Appointment to begin at 10am and end at 11:30am, select 10am for the start time and 11:30pm for the end time.
- Click Add.
- Continue with each Block of time, until your last appointment for the day.
- Repeat these steps for each fitting room.

Example: This will add one Bridal Appointment block on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 10:00am to 11:30am.
Before “going live”, please do a test run to ensure that all settings have been configured properly and show the way you intend. If you have any trouble, feel free to contact BridalLive tech support.