When Receiving Vouchers are completed, BridalLive increases the Quantity On Hand for the items received. Additionally, BridalLive will mark any items received for a customer as "Awaiting Pickup".
There are 2 ways to create a Receiving Voucher.
- From the Main Menu
- From the Purchase Order
Creating a Receiving Voucher from the Main Menu
- Select Purchasing Create Receiving Voucher from the left menu
- Enter the PO # that you are receiving. The PO number is usually located on the Vendor's invoice. You can enter multiple PO numbers to receive items from different POs. For more information on receiving multiple POs, see this support article.
- Click Retrieve PO Items.
- All of the "Unreceived" items from the Purchase Order will be added to Receiving Voucher. If you are not receiving all items on the PO, remove the items not being received by clicking "Action Delete from Voucher".
- Enter the Invoice #, Invoice Date, Discount, Freight, Fee, Check # (this is the check # you paid with, if applicable)
- Click "Complete Voucher" - VERY IMPORTANT STEP. If you don't click Complete Voucher, BridalLive will not adjust the QOH of your items and will not show these items as "Awaiting Pickup"
If you have received all of the items on your original PO, the PO will be closed as well.
From the Receiving Voucher screen, you have a few other functions that can be performed:
Print Labels
If you are receiving a stock order, you may want to print labels for these items so that you can hang them on the shop floor.
Print Pick Up Slips
If you are receiving the items for a customer order, you may choose to print the Pickup Slips. The Pickup Slip is a document that the customer can sign and acknowledge delivery of the item.
Print the Receiving Voucher for your records if you would like.
Create Receiving Voucher from Purchase Order Screen
You may find that it is easier to look up the Purchase Order first and then create the Receiving Voucher. BridalLive supports this workflow as well.
Here's how:
- Locate your PO using the Purchasing Search Purchase Orders screen.
- Check the checkbox next to the items you would like to receive. If only 1 exists on the Purchase Order, you do not need to check the box next to the item.
- Click the Receive Items button. You will be taken to the Receiving Voucher screen where you can continue with the following steps:
- Enter Invoice #, Invoice Date, Discount, Freight, Fee, Check # (this is the check # you paid with, if applicable)
- Click "Complete Voucher" - VERY IMPORTANT STEP. If you don't click Complete Voucher, BridalLive will not adjust the QOH of your items and will not show these items as "Awaiting Pickup"