From time to time, you may wish to donate Items from your Inventory. Let’s take a look at how to show Donations in BridalLive.
This way, when you run your Reports, you will be able to Filter out the Donation Vendor or Contact so that your Reports reflect the Donation accurately.
- Create a new Department titled “Donation” in BridalLive. You can do this by going to Inventory > Add Department.
- Reassign the Items you’re Donating to this new Donation Department.
- Create a new Contact for the Organization you’re Donating to by going to Contacts > Add Contact.
- Create a Sale assigned to the Donation Contact and add all the Items you’d like to Donate. Apply a 100% discount to each Item and set the Tax Code to No Tax. Complete Sale.
This way, when you run your Reports, you will be able to Filter out the Donation Vendor or Contact so that your Reports reflect the Donation accurately.