The Map gives a visual performance summary of your review ratings in each state.
(Green is 4.0 or higher, Yellow is 2.5- 3.9, and Red is under 2.5 or no reviews)
At the top of the screen are summary boxes of your overall dashboard performance by section. You will see rolling statistics from the last 30 days.
At the right hand top of the screen, you will see your LBV score. This stands for Local Brand Visibility, this is an overall score that is based upon important performance metrics like reputation, social media activity, local search, and competitors.
We consider anything between 70-80 to be a good score! You can also get an LBV score for an individual location or a group of locations. (Hover over widgets)
At the top of the screen you can use filters and toggle between all of your different locations, accounts, and groups.
If you drill down into one specific location, you will see we offer Monthly Summary Reports per location. This will download into a PDF.