Not only can customers post reviews on the different provider sites, but they can also post pictures as well.
The Media tab allows you to see the pictures that exist across the different provider sites.
The filters on the left of the page will allow you to narrow down to specific providers.
You can also choose to view only specific types of media. For instance, you can select just User Posted media.
If you click on a photo, it will enlarge and you can click on the link that will take you to the business listing where it was posted. Just like reviews, you can leave internal notes on these images to use as reminders for yourself or for other users.
Click the star, thumbs down, or thumbs up options to categorize these images so you can find them later on using the Media Filters. These internal filters can not be seen by anyone outside of the dashboard.
Lastly, you can search by keyword within captions and pull up images with that keyword.